Source code for netcrawl.core

import queue, multiprocessing, traceback, json
from time import sleep

from . import config, io_sql
from .device_dispatcher import create_instantiated_device
from .wylog import logging, log, logf
from netcrawl.util import cleanExit
from netcrawl.io_sql import device_db, main_db
from prettytable import PrettyTable

[docs]def recursive_scan(**kwargs): ''' Starts a **Recursive Scan** (-sR) run. This is the main scanning method for netcrawl. 1. If a `target` kwarg is given, add that seed device to the list of pending deivces, even if it was already visited. 2. Create workers (subprocesses) to perform the scanning work, up to 16 per CPU core, or up to the `processes` kwarg per core if that kwarg was given. 3. Query the Pending table in the Main database for pending devices. 4. Autodetect the Netmiko platform for each device if needed. 5. Inventory the device using :py:func:`netcrawl.devices.base.NetworkDevice.process_device` 6. Add each discovered device to the Inventory database Keyword Args: skip_named_duplicates (bool): If True, this will cause netcrawl to skip neighbors which have the same hostname as a device that was previously visited. .. note:: While this can potentially save a lot of time when scanning devices, if multiple different devices share the same hostname, they will not be scanned! target (str): The IP address of a seed device to add to the pending devices database netmiko_platform (str): The Netmiko platform of the `target` device, if one was given. processes (int): The number of worker processes to create, multiplied by the CPU count .. note:: If there are any remaining keyword arguments in `**kwargs`, they will be passed to :class:`netcrawl.io_sql.main_db` and :class:`netcrawl.io_sql.device_db` ''' proc = 'main.recursive_scan' # Handle keyboard interrupts with cleanExit(): log('Starting Recursive Scan', proc=proc, v=logging.H) # Connect to the databases m_db = io_sql.main_db(**kwargs) d_db = io_sql.device_db(**kwargs) # Add the seed device if a target was specified if kwargs.get('target'): _add_target_device(kwargs['target'], m_db, kwargs.get('netmiko_platform', 'unknown')) # Set the number of sub-processes num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * kwargs.get('processes', 16) # Establish communication queues tasks = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue(num_workers * 2) results = multiprocessing.Queue() # Create workers and start them workers = [_worker(tasks, results) for i in range(num_workers)] for w in workers: w.start() '''Loop to run the program. When this loop exits, the application exits''' while True: # Take devices from the pending table and add them to the queue _add_devices_to_queue(tasks, m_db, **kwargs) # Process the results from the workers _process_results(results, m_db, d_db) # Poison Pill - Decide if we should kill the workers if m_db.count_pending() == 0 and tasks.empty(): _kill_workers(tasks, workers) break log('Main loop done.', proc=proc, v=logging.I) sleep(1) # Close the connections to the databases m_db.close() d_db.close() # Prints a post-mortem print_report() log('Normal run complete. 0 devices pending.', proc=proc, v=logging.H) return True
def _add_target_device(target, m_db, platform= 'unknown'): '''Adds a seed device to the pending table and removes any references to it from the visited table so it will be processed again.''' # Remove the seed device from visited devices m_db.remove_visited_record(target) m_db.add_pending_device_d( ip_list=[target], netmiko_platform= platform) def _process_results(results, m_db, d_db): '''Iterates over each item put on the `results` queue and processes them, adding them into the inventory database.''' proc= 'core._process_results' while not results.empty(): # Get the next result result= results.get() # Record the device as being processed and save it log('Setting result [{}] as processed'.format(result['original']['ip']), proc=proc, v=logging.I) m_db.remove_pending_record(result['original']['pending_id']) log('Adding result [{}] to Visited'.format(result['original']['ip']), proc=proc, v=logging.I) m_db.add_visited_device_d(result['original']) if ((result['error'] is not None) or (result['device'].failed)): continue else: # Add a successfully polled device to the database log('Adding result [{}] to Devices'.format(result['original']['ip']), proc=proc, v=logging.I) d_db.add_device_nd(result['device']) # Save the device config and the device neighbors log('Saving result [{}] Neighbors'.format(result['original']['ip']), proc=proc, v=logging.I) m_db.add_device_pending_neighbors(result['device']) result['device'].save_config() log('Successfully processed {}'.format(result['device'].device_name), proc=proc, v=logging.H) def _add_devices_to_queue(tasks, m_db, **kwargs): '''Iterates over each pending device and adds it to the tasks queue until the tasks queue is full. Args: tasks (JoinableQueue): The queue to add the pending devices to Keyword Args: skip_named_duplicates (bool): If True, this will cause netcrawl to skip neighbors which have the same hostname as a device that was previously visited. .. note:: While this can potentially save a lot of time when scanning devices, if multiple different devices share the same hostname, they will not be scanned! ''' proc= 'core._add_device_to_queue' remaining = m_db.count_pending() while ((remaining >= 0) and (tasks.full() == False)): # Get the next device device_d = m_db.get_next() if device_d is None: break # Skip devices which have already been visited if (kwargs.get('skip_named_duplicates') and m_db.ip_name_exists(ip=device_d.get('ip'), name=device_d.get('device_name'), table='visited')): visited = True elif m_db.ip_exists(ip=device_d.get('ip'), table='visited'): visited = True else: visited = False if visited: log('- Device {1} at {0} has already been processed. Skipping.'.format( device_d.get('ip', None), device_d.get('device_name', None)), proc=proc, v=logging.N) m_db.remove_pending_record(device_d['pending_id']) continue log('---- Adding to queue: {name} at {ip} || {pending} devices pending ----'.format( ip=device_d.get('ip', None), name=(device_d.get('device_name') if device_d.get('device_name') is not None else '[Unknown Device]'), pending=m_db.count_pending()), proc=proc, v=logging.H) tasks.put(device_d) def _kill_workers(task_queue, workers): ''' Sends a NoneType poison pill to all active workers. Args: task_queue (JoinableQueue): The task queue upon which to put the poison pills workers (list): List of subprocesses ''' proc= 'core._kill_workers' log('Killing workers', proc= proc, v= logging.N) # Clear the Queue while not task_queue.empty(): task_queue.get_nowait() # Send the poison pills for w in workers: log('[{}] is alive, poisoning now.'.format(, proc=proc, v=logging.I) task_queue.put('poison pill') # Wait for the workers to terminate for w in workers: if w.is_alive(): log('[{}] joining.'.format(, proc=proc, v=logging.I) w.join() log('[{}] joined.'.format(, proc=proc, v=logging.I) else: log('[{}] is dead.'.format(, proc=proc, v=logging.I) class _worker(multiprocessing.Process): '''Subprocess class which executes the recursive scan functionality.''' def __init__(self, task_queue, result_queue, ): ''' Initialize the worker process. Args: task_queue (multiprocessing.JoinableQueue): Stores the pending tasks result_queue (multiprocessing.Queue): Stores the polling results ''' multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.result_queue = result_queue self.task_queue = task_queue = def run(self): with cleanExit(): proc = '{}.run'.format( # Reset global variables since subprocesses may not # inherit parent runstates while True: log('{}: Awaiting task. Queue size: [{}]'.format(, self.task_queue.qsize()), v=logging.I, proc=proc) # Get the next device in the queue try: next_device = self.task_queue.get(timeout= 5) except queue.Empty: continue # Poison pill means shutdown if next_device == 'poison pill': log('{}: Got poison pill. Walking into the light...'.format(, self.task_queue.qsize()), v=logging.N, proc=proc) self.task_queue.task_done() break log('{}: Got IP [{}], Name [{}] Platform [{}]'.format(, next_device.get('ip', 'Unknown IP'), next_device.get('device_name', 'Unknown Name'), next_device.get('netmiko_platform', 'Unknown Platform'), ), v=logging.N, proc=proc, ip=next_device.get('ip', 'Unknown IP')) # Prepare the result set to pass back to the main proccess result = { 'device': None, 'log': None, 'error': None, 'original': next_device, } # Create an inherited device class object try: result['device'] = create_instantiated_device(**next_device) except Exception as e: log('Device [{}] could not be instantiated: [{}]'.format( next_device.get('ip'), str(e)), v=logging.C, proc=proc) result['log'] = 'Device could not be instantiated.\n' result['error'] = e self.task_queue.task_done() self.result_queue.put(result) if raise else: traceback.print_exc() continue # Poll the device try: result['device'].process_device() except Exception as e: log('Connection to {} failed: {}'.format( result['device'].ip, str(e)), v=logging.C, proc=proc) result['log'] = 'Connection to {} failed: {}'.format(result['device'].ip, str(e)) result['error'] = e # Set the connection to None in order to allow Pickling result['device'].connection = None # Put the result on the device queue and signal done self.task_queue.task_done() self.result_queue.put(result) # Ignore CLI errors, raise the rest if ( and ('CLI connection' not in str(e))): raise else: # traceback.print_exc() continue # Set the connection to None in order to allow Pickling result['device'].connection = None # Put the result on the device queue and signal done self.task_queue.task_done() self.result_queue.put(result) log('Process returning', proc=proc, v= logging.I) return True def _scan_host(h, nm): ''' Scans one host using Nmap Args: h (str): Host address nm (nmap.PortScanner): A PortScanner instance to use to scan the host Returns: dict: .. code-block:: python { 'netmiko_platform' (str): 'unknown' 'raw_cdp' (str): A JSON dump of the nmap output 'ip_list' (list): Contains h as one element of a list } ''' # Scan the host nm.scan(h, '22, 23', '-sV -T5') # Continue loop if the host is down if not nm.has_host(h): return h + ' is down' # Add newly discovered devices to the database if ( (nm[h].has_tcp(22) and nm[h].tcp(22).get('state') == 'open') or (nm[h].has_tcp(23) and nm[h].tcp(23).get('state') == 'open') ): return { 'netmiko_platform': 'unknown', 'raw_cdp': json.dumps(nm[h], sort_keys=True, indent=4), 'ip_list': [h], } @logf
[docs]def nmap_scan(target, **kwargs): ''' Ping each host in a given range one at a time. When a live host is found, add it to the pending hosts database. Args: target (str): An Nmap compatible target specifier as outlined `in the Nmap documentation < man-target-specification.html>`_ Keyword Args: **kwargs: Arguments to pass to :class:`netcrawl.io_sql.main_db` ''' proc = 'main.nmap_scan' try: import nmap except ImportError: log('Nmap not installed', proc= proc, v= logging.C) return False # Handle Keyboard Interrupts with cleanExit(): log('Starting host scan on target ' + target, proc=proc, v=logging.H) nm = nmap.PortScanner() main_db = io_sql.main_db(**kwargs) # Use NMAP's nice target specification feature # to get a list of all the hosts to scan hosts = nm.listscan(target) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 4) results = [pool.apply_async(_scan_host, args=(h, nm,)) for h in hosts if not((main_db.ip_exists(h, 'visited')) or (main_db.ip_exists(h, 'pending')))] for r in results: result = r.get() if isinstance(result, dict): log('Got result [{}]'.format(result), proc=proc, v=logging.N) main_db.add_pending_device_d(result) else: log('Host down. Result [{}]'.format(result), proc=proc, v=logging.N) log('Finished scanning hosts', proc=proc, v=logging.H)
[docs]def single_scan(target, netmiko_platform= 'unknown'): ''' Starts a **Single Scan** (-sS) run. This scan polls a single device and presents information about the device to the console. Useful for testing a connection, as well as getting a quick overview of the target. Keyword Args: target (str): The network address of the device to scan netmiko_platform (str): The Netmiko platform of the `target` device. If one is not given, it will attempt to autodetect the device type. ''' proc = 'main.single_scan' log('Processing connection to {}'.format(target), proc=proc, v=logging.H) # Handle keyboard interrupts with cleanExit(): try: device = create_instantiated_device(ip=target, netmiko_platform=netmiko_platform) except Exception as e: log('Connection to [{}] failed: {}'.format( target, str(e)), proc=proc, v= logging.C) raise # Process the device try: device.process_device() except Exception as e: device.alert(msg='Connection to {} failed: {}'.format(device.ip, str(e)), proc=proc) print('Device processing failed') if raise return False # Output the device info to console print('\n' + str(device) + '\n') print(device.neighbor_table())