Source code for netcrawl.devices.cisco_device

Created on Feb 19, 2017

@author: Wyko

import re
from time import sleep

from .. import util, config
from ..util import parse_ip
from ..wylog import log, logging
from .base import NetworkDevice, Interface

[docs]class CiscoDevice(NetworkDevice): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): NetworkDevice.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.reg_serial= re.compile(r''' ^Name.*?["](.+?)["][\s\S]*? Desc.*?["](.+?)["][\s\S]*? SN:[ ]?(\w+)''', (re.X | re.M | re.I)) def _parse_hostname(self, attempts=5): proc = 'CiscoDevice._parse_hostname' log('Parsing hostname', proc=proc, v=logging.I) output ='^hostname (.+)\n', self.config, re.MULTILINE) if output and log('Hostname from regex: {}'.format(, proc=proc, v=logging.N) self.device_name = return True else: log('Regex parsing failed, trying prompt parsing.', proc=proc, v=logging.D) if not self.connection: log('No self.connection object available. Method failed', proc=proc, v=logging.C) raise ValueError(proc + ': No self.connection object available') # If the hostname couldn't be parsed, get it from the prompt for i in range(attempts): try: output = self.connection.find_prompt() except ValueError: log('Failed to find the prompt during attempt {}'.format(str(i + 1)), proc=proc, v=logging.A) sleep(2 + i) continue if '#' in output: self.device_name = output.split('#')[0] log('Hostname from prompt: ' + self.device_name, proc=proc, v=logging.N) return True else: sleep(2 + 1) # Last case scenario, return nothing log('Failed. No hostname found.', proc=proc, v=logging.C) raise ValueError('_parse_hostname failed. No hostname found.') def _poll_for_serials(self): proc = 'CiscoDevice._poll_for_serials' log('Starting: Polling for serials', proc=proc, v=logging.I) # Poll the device for the serials return self._attempt('show inventory', proc=proc, fn_check=lambda x: bool( def _parse_serials(self, raw_input): proc = 'CiscoDevice._parse_serials' log('Starting: Parsing serials', proc=proc, v=logging.I) # Parse the serials output= self.reg_serial.findall(raw_input) # Raise error if no results were produced. if not (output and output[0]): log('Failed to get serials. Re.Findall produced no results. ' + 'Raw_output[:20] was: {}'.format(raw_input[:20]), ip=self.connection.ip, proc=proc, v=logging.A) raise ValueError(proc + ': Failed to get serials. Re.Findall produced no results ' + 'Raw_output was: {}'''.format(raw_input)) else: return output
[docs] def get_serials(self): proc = 'CiscoDevice.get_serials' log('Starting to get serials', proc=proc, v=logging.I) # Get the serials raw_output= self._poll_for_serials() # Parse each serial number output = self._parse_serials(raw_output) # Add the found serials to the parent device serials = [] for i in output: serials.append({ 'name': i[0], 'desc': i[1], 'serialnum': i[2] }) log('Serials found: {}'.format(len(serials)), proc=proc, v=logging.N) self.serial_numbers.extend(serials) return True
[docs] def split_interface_name(self, interface_name): '''Returns a tuple containing (interface_type, interface_number)''' try: output =''' ([A-Za-z\-]{2,}) # An interface name, consisting of at least 2 letters ([\d\/\.]+) # The interface number, with potential backslashes ''', interface_name, re.I | re.X | re.M) except: return None else: if output and == 2: return (,, ) else: return None
def _get_mac_address_table(self, attempts=3): '''Populates self.mac_address_table from the remote device. Returns: Boolean: True if the command was successful Raises: Exception: ValueError if no result was found. ''' proc = 'CiscoDevice._get_mac_address_table' log('Getting MAC address table', proc=proc, v=logging.I) # Try the two command formats try: self.raw_mac_address_table = self._attempt('show mac address-table', proc=proc, fn_check=util.contains_mac_address, alert=False) except: try: self.raw_mac_address_table = self._attempt('show mac-address-table', proc=proc, fn_check=util.contains_mac_address, alert=False) except: log('No MAC addresses found.', proc=proc, v=logging.A) return False # Parse the table output = re.finditer(# #### MAC Regex #### r''' (?P<mac_address> # MAC capture group (?:[0-9A-F]{2,4}[\:\-\.]){2,7}[0-9A-F]{2,4} ) .*? # Skip all characters up to the interface (?P<interface_name> # Interface capture group (?P<interface_type> [A-Za-z\-]{2,} # At least two letters ) (?P<interface_number> [\d\/]+ # Any combination of numbers and ) ) \s*?$ # Match if interface is at the end of the line ''', self.raw_mac_address_table, flags=(re.X | re.I | re.M)) # Return a dictionary containing the MAC's and interfaces self.mac_address_table = [m.groupdict() for m in output] count = 0 for mac in self.mac_address_table: # Ignore blank mac addresses if mac['mac_address'] == 'ffff.ffff.ffff': continue count += 1 # Get the associated parent interface interf = self.match_partial_to_full_interface(mac['interface_name']) # If no match was found, create a new interface for it and append it to the list if not interf: interf = Interface() interf.interface_description = '**** Matched from MAC Address, not interface list' interf.interface_name = mac['interface_name'] self.interfaces.append(interf) # Normalize the MAC mac['mac_address'] = util.ucase_letters(mac['mac_address']) # Add the MAC to the interface interf.mac_address_table.append(mac['mac_address']) log('MAC entries found: {}'.format(count), proc=proc, v=logging.N) return True def _get_config(self, attempts=5): proc = 'CiscoDevice._get_config' log('Beginning config download from %s' % self.connection.ip, proc=proc, v=logging.I) self.config = self._attempt('show run', proc=proc, fn_check=lambda x: bool(len(x) > 250), check_msg='Config seems too short.', attempts=attempts, ) log('Config download successful.', ip=self.connection.ip, proc=proc, v=logging.N) def _get_other_ips(self): proc = 'CiscoDevice._get_other_ips' output = re.findall(r'(?:glbp|hsrp|standby).*?(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})', self.config, re.I) log('{} non-standard (virtual) ips found on the device'.format(len(output)), proc=proc, v=logging.D) self.other_ips.extend(output) def _get_cdp_neighbors(self, attempts=3): proc = 'CiscoDevice._get_cdp_neighbors' log('Getting CDP neighbors', proc=proc, v=logging.I) for i in range(attempts): # Get the CDP neighbors for the device raw_cdp = self._attempt('show cdp neighbor detail', proc=proc, attempts=attempts, fn_check=lambda x: bool(x)) # Check whether CDP is enabled at all if'not enabled', raw_cdp, re.I): log('CDP not enabled on %s' % self.connection.ip, proc=proc, v=logging.C) raise ValueError(proc + ': CDP not enabled on %s' % self.connection.ip) # Split the full 'sh cdp [...]' output into non-empty individual neighbors cdp_output = list(filter(None, re.split(r'-{4,}', raw_cdp))) # Parse each neighbor's CDP data cdp_neighbor_list = [] neighbor_count = 0 for entry in cdp_output: try: cdp_neighbor = self.parse_neighbor(entry) except: continue else: if not cdp_neighbor: continue neighbor_count += 1 # Match a neighbor to a full neighbor entry interf = self.match_partial_to_full_interface(cdp_neighbor['source_interface']) if interf: interf.neighbors.append(cdp_neighbor) # Or else add it to the list of unmatched neighbors else: cdp_neighbor_list.append(cdp_neighbor) # If no neighbors were found, try again if not neighbor_count > 0: log('Attempt {}: No CDP neighbors found. raw_cdp[20] was: {}'.format( str(i + 1), raw_cdp[:20]), proc=proc, v=logging.A) if i >= attempts: raise ValueError(proc + ': Command successful but no neighbors found from %s' % self.connection.ip) continue else: log('CDP neighbors found: {}'.format(neighbor_count), proc=proc, v=logging.N) self.neighbors = cdp_neighbor_list self.raw_cdp = raw_cdp return True
[docs] def match_partial_to_full_interface(self, partial): '''Given a partial MAC address, iterate through all of this device's interfaces and match the address to an interface. Return the interface. 1. Split the partial interface by name and number 2. For each interface, check if the interface name starts with the partial name 3. If so, check if the interface number matches the partial interface number 4. Return the full interface name ''' proc = 'CiscoDevice.match_partial_to_full_interface' if not partial: return None # Split the MAC output = self.split_interface_name(partial) # Returns none if no matches were found (such as when the interface is "Switch" if not output: return None # Escape any problematic strings (like Gig0/0.100) output = [re.escape(x) for x in output] # Match expanded interface names p = re.compile('^' + output[0] + '.*?' + output[1], re.I) # Check if the mac's interface name matches an interface for interf in self.interfaces: if bool(p.match(interf.interface_name)): log('Partial interface {} matched interface {}'.format( partial, interf.interface_name), v=logging.D, proc=proc, ip=self.ip) return interf # If no match was found return false self.alert('No interface match for {}'.format(partial), proc=proc, failed=False, ip=self.ip) return None
[docs] def parse_netmiko_platform(self, cdp_input): blacklist = [ 'AIR', 'IP Phone' ] ios_strings = [ 'Internetwork Operating System Software', 'IOS Software', 'IOS (tm)' ] if any(ext in cdp_input for ext in blacklist): return '' elif 'NX-OS' in cdp_input: return "cisco_nxos" elif any(ext in cdp_input for ext in ios_strings): return "cisco_ios" else: return None
[docs] def parse_neighbor(self, cdp_input): '''Accepts a single CDP neighbor entry and parses it into a dictionary. ''' output = { 'device_name': None, 'netmiko_platform': None, 'system_platform': None, 'source_interface': None, 'neighbor_interface': None, 'software': None, 'raw_cdp': cdp_input, 'ip_list': None, } # Get each IP address output['ip_list'] = parse_ip(cdp_input) output['netmiko_platform'] = self.parse_netmiko_platform(cdp_input) # Parse the system platform system_platform ='Platform: ?(.+?),', cdp_input, flags=re.I) if system_platform: output['system_platform'] = # Parse the source interface source_interface ='^interface:[ ]?(.*?)[,\n]', cdp_input, flags=(re.I | re.M)) if source_interface: output['source_interface'] = # Parse the neighbor interface neighbor_interface ='^interface:.*?:[ ](.*?)[,\n ]', cdp_input, flags=(re.I | re.M)) if neighbor_interface: output['neighbor_interface'] = # Get the device name device_name = re.findall(r'(?:System Name|Device ID): ?(.*?)(?:\(|\n)', cdp_input, flags=re.I) if len(device_name) > 1: output['device_name'] = device_name[1] # Returns the more readable Device name if present elif output: output['device_name'] = device_name[0] # Returns the device ID otherwise if "." in output['device_name']: output['device_name'] = output['device_name'].split(".")[0] return output