Source code for

''' -- Lists the devices and ports that the specified 
MAC was seen on

@author:     Wyko ter Haar
@license:    MIT

import sys
import os

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter

from prettytable import PrettyTable

from netcrawl import config, util
from netcrawl.io_sql import device_db
from import MacParser
import textwrap

__version__ = 0.1
__date__ = '2017-03-20'
__updated__ = '2017-03-20'


[docs]def locate(macs): ddb= device_db() mp = MacParser() # If just one mac was passed, make sure it works if not isinstance(macs, list): macs= [macs] for mac in macs: t = PrettyTable(['Device Name', 'Interface', 'CDP Neighbors']) t.align = 'l' print('MAC: ', mac) # Normalize the MAC mac = util.ucase_letters(mac) manuf= mp.get_manuf(mac) comment= mp.get_comment(mac) print('Manufacturer: ', manuf, ', ', comment) locations= ddb.locate_mac(mac) if len(locations) == 0: print('No matches found') else: for match in locations: t.add_row(match) print(t, '\n')
[docs]def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111 '''Command line options.''' if argv is None: argv = sys.argv else: sys.argv.extend(argv) config.parse_config() program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) program_version = "v%s" % __version__ program_build_date = str(__updated__) program_version_message = '%%(prog)s %s (%s)' % (program_version, program_build_date) program_license = textwrap.dedent('''\ Netcrawl - Locate Mac Created by Wyko ter Haar on %s. Licensed under the MIT License Distributed on an "AS IS" basis without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. ''' % (str(__date__))) try: # Setup argument parser parser = ArgumentParser(description=program_license, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", help="set verbosity level [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument(dest="macs", help="MAC addresses to locate", metavar="MACs", nargs='+') # Process arguments args = parser.parse_args() args.verbose locate(args.macs) except KeyboardInterrupt: ### handle keyboard interrupt ### return 0 except Exception as e: if DEBUG: raise(e) indent = len(program_name) * " " sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write(indent + " for help use --help") return 2
if __name__ == "__main__": if DEBUG: sys.argv.append("-v") sys.exit(main())