Source code for netcrawl.wylog.logging

Created on Mar 4, 2017

@author: Wyko

from datetime import datetime
import os, traceback, time, sys

from netcrawl import config
from functools import wraps

# Variables for logging
C = 1
A = 2
HIGH = 3
H = 3
N = 4

# Debuging levels
I = 5
D = 6

[docs]def log(msg, **kwargs): """ Writes a message to the log. Args: msg (str): The message to write. Keyword Args: ip (str): The IP address of whatever device we are connected to proc (str): The process which caused the log entry, in the form of *'module.method_name'* log_path (str): The filepath of the directory where to save the log file. Uses by default print_out (bool): If True, copies the message to console v (int): Verbosity level. Logs with verbosity above the global verbosity level will not be printed out. v= 1: Critical alerts v= 2: Non-critical alerts v= 3: High level info v= 4: Common info v= 5-6: Debug level info error (Exception): An exception object to be included in the log output Returns: bool: True if write was successful. """ v = kwargs.get('v', 4) proc= kwargs.get('proc', '') ip= kwargs.get('ip', '') error= kwargs.get('error') print_out= kwargs.get('print_out', True) log_path = kwargs.get('log_path', new_log = kwargs.get('new_log', False) # Skip debug messages (unless turned on) if (v >= 5) and ( is False): return False msg= str(msg) # Set the prefix for the log entry if v >=3: info_str = '#' + str(v) if v ==2: info_str = '? ' if v ==1: info_str = '! ' msg = info_str + ' ' + msg try: output = '{_proc:20}, {_msg}, {_time}, {_ip:15}, {_error}'.format( _time=, _proc= str(proc), _msg = msg.replace(',', ';'), _ip = str(ip), _error = str(error) ) except: pass #=========================================================================== # # Debugging, print message and global Verbosity to console # print('Msg V: [{}], Verb: [{}]'.format(v, #=========================================================================== # Print the message to console try: if v <= and print_out: print('{:<35.35}: {}'.format(proc, msg)) except: pass if not os.path.exists( os.makedirs( # Open the error log if new_log: f = open(log_path, 'w') else: f = open(log_path, 'a') if f and not f.closed: f.write(output + '\n') f.close() return True else: return False
[docs]class log_snip(): def __init__(self, proc, v=5): self.proc = proc self.v= v def __enter__(self): log('Entering snippet [{}]'.format(self.proc), proc= self.proc, v= self.v) self.start = time.time() def __exit__(self,ty,val,tb): end = time.time() if ty is None: log('Finished snippet [{}] after [{:.3f}] without error'.format( self.proc, end-self.start), proc= self.proc, v= self.v) else: log('Finished snippet [{}] after [{:.3f}] seconds with [{}] error. Traceback: [{}]'.format( self.proc, end-self.start, ty.__name__, traceback.format_tb(tb)), proc= self.proc, v= self.v)
[docs]def logf(f, **kwargs): parent= kwargs.get('parent', '__________') # Take a decorated method and log it. @wraps(f) def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs): log('Starting method [{}]'.format(f.__name__), proc= '{0}.{1}'.format(parent, f.__name__), v= DEBUG) start = time.time() # Run the decorated function try: result= f(*args, **kwargs) # On exception, log it and re-raise except Exception as e: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] log('Finished method [{}] after [{:.3f}] seconds with [{}] Error: [{}] Traceback: [{}]'.format( f.__name__, time.time()- start, type(e).__name__, str(e), traceback.format_tb(tb)), proc= '{0}.{1}'.format(parent, f.__name__), v= ALERT) raise else: log('Finished method [{}] after [{:.3f}] seconds'.format( f.__name__, time.time()- start), proc= '{0}.{1}'.format(parent, f.__name__), v= DEBUG) return result return wrapped_f